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Component status updates emit the following events

  • component.status.healthy
  • component.status.unhealthy
  • component.status.warning
  • component.status.error

Environment variables

componentThe component objectComponent
agentAgent details (if applicable)Agenttrue
permalinkA link to the health checkstring


idThe id of the componentuuid
descriptionThe description of the componentstring
external_idThe external id of the componentstring
hiddenWhether the component is hiddenbool
labelsThe labels of the componentmap[string]stringtrue
nameThe name of the componentstring
namespaceThe namespace of the componentstring
parent_idThe id of the parent componentuuidtrue
propertiesThe properties of the componentmap[string]stringtrue
silencedWhether the component is silencedbool
status_reasonThe status reason of the componentstring
statusThe status of the componentstring
summaryThe summary of the componentmap[string]stringtrue
textThe text of the componentstring
topology_typeThe type of the topologystring
typeThe type of the componentstring
cost_per_minuteThe cost per minute of the componentfloat64
cost_total_1dThe cost total 1d of the componentfloat64
cost_total_7dThe cost total 7d of the componentfloat64
cost_total_30dThe cost total 30d of the componentfloat64
created_byId of the person that created this componentuuid
created_atCreated timestamptime.Time
updated_atUpdated timestamptime.Time
deleted_atDeleted timestamptime.Timetrue


idThe id of the agentuuid
nameThe name of the agentstring
descriptionShort description of the agentstring

Notification Defaults

# Title
Component {{}} status updated to {{.component.status}}

# Body